Covenant Clinics provides comprehensive workers' compensation and injury care services. We prioritize fast and high-quality care at reduced costs to help businesses manage work comp expenditures. Our experienced providers balance excellent patient care with employer expectations to create effective healing and work plans. Along with respectful treatment for employees, we assure employers reliable results, clear communication and efficient claims reporting. We're open seven days a week for walk-in work comp injuries, and schedule follow-ups at your convenience. For services like workplace injury risk assessment, health screenings, drug screenings, or others, please contact our clinic office manager.

With our workers’ compensation and injury care services, your employees get convenient and prompt access to high-quality care, at a lower cost. By reducing unnecessary ED visits, we’ll help you contain your work comp expenditures!

Our providers have had years of experience with occupational injury care, and understand the balance of great patient care and employer expectations, to create a strong and proactive “work and heal” plan, getting your injured employees the care they need, and back to work safely and quickly.

Your employees deserve respectful, compassionate and quality injury care. Employers deserve reliable, accurate, and timely results with clear communication along the way. Count on us for all this and more: we also provide care coordination and referral to specialists, if needed. And, we’ll support you with efficient and accurate claims reporting.

Our urgent care accepts worker's comp acute injuries on a walk-in basis seven days a week. We schedule follow-up exams with a convenient appointment.

Are you interested in workplace injury risk assessment, biometrics and workplace health screening events, drug screening or other services? Please contact our clinic office manager for discussion of these or other questions. We are here to assist you!

Dr. Patterson and a  child patient

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